Главная страница «Первого сентября»Главная страница журнала «Здоровье детей»Содержание №4/2010

Урок здоровья

Язык другой, а тема – та же

Урок английского языка для средних классов

Цели урока:

1. Совершенствовать умения и навыки практического владения английским языком по теме «Здоровье» в монологической и диалогической форме.
2. Развивать способности овладевать репродуктивными и продуктивными речевыми оборотами.
3. Продолжать формировать потребность здорового образа жизни и внимательного отношения к здоровью.
4. Формировать умение работать в сотрудничестве для выполнения проекта.


1. Магнитофон, мультимедиапроектор.
2. Аудиозапись для физкультминутки.
3. Фрукты и овощи, необходимые для представления проектов.
4. Пословицы и поговорки.
5. Раздаточный материал.
6. Карточки, необходимые для составления диалогов.

План урока

I. Организационный момент.
II. Фонетическая зарядка.
III. Речевая разминка.
IV. Закрепление лексических навыков.
V. Физкультминутка.
VI. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи. Защита проекта (работа в группах).
VII. Совершенствование навыков употребления should/shouldn’t.
VIII. Музыкальная пауза.
IX. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи (ролевая игра).
X. Заключительный этап (подведение итогов).


I. Оргмомент

Teacher. Good morning!
How are you today? How are your parents?
I’m glad that all of you are fine!
Some people are healthy, some people are unhealthy. English people say: “Health is the best wealth”. They are right! We can’t buy health, but we can do a lot to keep it.
By the way, what do people do to be healthy?
Возможные ответы:
– They go in for sports.
– They eat healthy food.
– They lead a healthy life.
– They spend much time outdoors.
– They follow a diet.
– They consult a doctor to prevent illness, etc.
So, today we’ll speak about our health, about what we should do to be healthy and about doctors, because they help us to be healthy.

II. Фонетическая зарядка

Let’s begin with some words and phrases:
Health – healthy – a healthy life

chest to keep fit
lung to follow a diet
tongue to cough
throat to consult a doctor
medicine to go in for sports
pulse to spend much time outdoors
blood pressure  
a doctor – a patient  

– Translate the words.
– Repeat the words after me.
– Translate some words from Russian into English (вразброс)
– Let’s read the words together.

III. Речевая разминка

Teacher. I want you to answer my questions. Listen to me and be active.
(Ученики в быстром темпе отвечают на вопросы учителя.)
– Do you do your morning exercises?
– Do you clean your teeth twice a day?
– Do you air your room in the evening?
– Do you go in for sports?
– Do you take care of your health?
– Do you eat healthy food?

IV. Закрепление лексических навыков

Teacher. Good of you! I should say that the most important things in our life are good friends, family, health, good humour and a positive attitude towards life. Cherish your health; if it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help. Children, I’m sure you know a lot of words connected with the topic “Health”. Let’s play now. Look at the screen and try to give definitions of the following words.
(На экране появляются изображения: поликлиника, врач, «скорая помощь», лекарства, рецепт и т.д.)

Статья опубликована при поддержке интернет-магазина для мамы и малыша "Божья коровка". Японские подгузники, средства для купания малыша, натуральная косметика, всё для кормления, натуральные средства для уборки, развлечения и игрушки для детей. Скидки, спецпредложения, доступные цены, гарантия качества. Посмотреть каталог товаров и цены, узнать условия доставки и сделать заказ Вы сможете на сайте, который располагается по адресу: http://божьякоровка74.рф.

P1. A hospital is a place where we get medical help.

P2. A doctor is a person who gives us medical help.

P3. An ambulance is a car that takes a patient to the hospital.

P4. Pills are small round things that we take to recover.

P5. A prescription is a sheet of paper with the help of which we get medicine at the chemist’s.

Teacher. I see, you know the vocabulary. And I also see that you are a bit tired. Let’s do some exercises in order to relax and you’ll be fresh again in a minute.

V. Физкульт-минутка

(Под музыку аудиозаписи учащиеся делают упражнения для релаксации.)

Hands on your hips,
Hands on your knees,
Put them behind you
If you please.
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose,
Touch your ears,
Touch your toes.
Raise your hands high in air,
At your sides, on your hair,
Raise your hands as before,
While your clap: one, two, three, four.

VI. Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Защита проекта

(работа в группах)

Teacher. Children, look at the screen. What can you see? (На экране слайд с фруктами.)

P1, 2, 3… Apples, lemons, plums, pears, oranges, bananas… We see fruit here.

Teacher. And what kind of vegetables do you see? (На экране слайд с овощами.)

P4. Carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, cucumbers…

Teacher. What are fruit and vegetables rich in?

P5. They are rich in different vitamins.

Now I want you to make a presentation of your projects about vitamins in fruit and vegetables. You are welcome!

(Первая группа демонстрирует свой проект.)

Примерное выступление учащихся

P1. Our project is called “Vitamins in our life”. Our motto is: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

P2. We are sure all fruit are useful because they are rich in vitamins. Vitamin A is necessary to strengthen our eyes and help us to grow. It’s also good for our skin and hair. You can find it in red and yellow vegetables, such as oranges, lemons, carrots.

(Учащиеся показывают красочно оформленный коллективный проект.)

P3. The following vegetables are rich in vitamin A: pumpkins, tomatoes, marrows, carrots. You should eat them every day.

P4. Vitamin B helps to keep nerves healthy and also helps to strengthen our immunity. I advise you to eat bananas and fresh vegetables. I can say vitamin B is good for our memory as well. More than that, it’s good for your appetite. You can find vitamin B in grains, beans, mushrooms, water plants, and green vegetables.

P5. Vitamin C is for healthy bones and teeth, it helps the body to fight infection. You can find vitamin C in fresh vegetables and citrus fruit. We recommend you to eat lemons, cabbage, oranges, and grapefruit. Finally, we should say that all fruit and vegetables are very useful for our health. For this reason they should be in your meals every day.

Teacher. Thank you for your interesting information. We have learned a lot about vitamins. Children, have you got questions to this group?

P6. What should you do before eating fruit and vegetables?

P7. You should wash them with water and then eat.

VII. Совершенствование навыков употребления should/shouldn’t

Teacher. Well done! It’s a very good question. I know, the second group has prepared “Health Code”. You are welcome.

P1. Our motto is “Early to bed, early to rise keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. In order to be healthy you should eat more fruit and vegetables.

P2. You shouldn’t eat unfresh food.

P3. You shouldn’t drink very cold water.

P4. You shouldn’t eat a lot of sweets. They are not healthy for your teeth.

P5. You should sleep 8 hours a day.

P6. You should do morning exercises.

P6. You should air your room 3–4 times a day.

P7. You shouldn’t watch TV too much.

P1. You should play computer games no more than one hour a day.

P2. You should brush your teeth two times a day: in the morning and in the evening.

P3. If you fall ill, you should visit a doctor.

P4. You should go to a dentist twice a year.

P5. You should keep your feet warm.

P6. You should spend much time in the open air.

P7. If you follow all our instructions you will be always healthy.

VIII. Музыкальная пауза

Teacher. Thank you. Your instructions are very useful. Now I want you to relax a little. Let’s sing the song “Ruth has a toothache” and do some exercises.

IX. Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи

(ролевая игра)

Teacher. You know that people sometimes fall ill. What should they do when they aren’t well? I’ll give you cards with situations. Your task is to make up dialogues.

Card 1. You come to your friend. He (she) doesn’t look well. It’s, probably, the flu. You think he (she) must consult a doctor and mustn’t use home medicine.

Card 2. You are not well. You have a sore throat and want the doctor to help you.

(Под тихую классическую музыку дети берут необходимые атрибуты и готовятся к драматизации диалогов.)

X. Заключительный этап

Teacher. Our lesson is coming to an end. Let’s sum up our work. Was the lesson interesting for you?

P1. Yes, it was very interesting.

Teacher. Was it useful?

P2. Yes, it was.

Teacher. Why?

P2. Because we have learned many things about vitamins.

P3. We will follow “Health Code”, it’s also useful.

Teacher. I should say that your projects were interesting and beautifully illustrated. Besides, they have been presented brilliantly. Your marks are…

Рузанна Айрапетян ,
учитель, ГОУ СОШ «Школа здоровья» № 1084, Москва